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Public Menace

Public Menace is a new poetry platform seeking to encourage collaboration between writers across the UK, in hopes of building creative networks to help writers outside major cities form their own communities.


The teaching material for the art of poetry has traditionally only been offered to those able to have the opportunity to study it at school or university, or who were raised in already existing creative backgrounds. Using its website and social media pages to share resources and creative prompts, along with an anthologized book, Public Menace works towards bringing poetry out of the control of institutions and making the art accessible to all.


Each poem is invested with a voice that matters, so at Public Menace everybody is heard. Each submission call-out will be aimed towards a specific region in the UK Public Menace feels needs a shake-up, in hopes of curating new creative practices and connections. All submissions will be curated in a freely accessible archive online, with a few poets selected for publication in the anthology.


If you are interested in learning more about the project, please go to





To Be Announced

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